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People of Leilani ordered tested ? - PGV
hey geo and wao.. lets face it the proponents and opponents of geothermal are never going to get all warm and fuzzy about each other.. though adding a bit of civility to the discussion might go a long way towards peacefully co-existing as much as that is possible Wink

and hey.. right or wrong... and whether or not there was a real release of a real dangerous gas etc.. or if the public is having real health issue or it's all psychosomatic.. it doesn't matter the issue is settle.. too many people have moved in and made the area a community.. and geothermal.. or any other heavy industry.. is an out right inappropriate land use in such a community.

geochem had you and the all the other life long geothermal proponents... when you made your map and the geothermal sub-zones... come out and bought up a bunch of land in the area you might have pulled it off. but instead you placed your bet with campbell in the upper and then middle rift.. and came up empty handed... and on top of that the way you all played that out all the land is now in preserve.. i.e. you screwed yourselves! so what do you want? to push everyone aside so we all can have a bunch of heavy industry in what is otherwise a very populated rural and semi-urban farming and bedroom community?

btw.. as one that was a member of PGC and has been an opponent all these years... I must say you had it.. you would have pulled it off and there would already be a major geothermal industry here had you just gotten true geothermal better data on the structure of the middle rift when they came out and did those test wells. had they hit a resource you'd of been in business.. and god knows there's plenty of resource there.. but nope.. a bunch of cowboys from Wyoming couldn't find frickin steam on the rift to save their lives.

my point is you had your chance and burnt the upper and middle rift.. but that's where you placed your bet. so please be a gracious looser and give it up already!

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RE: People of Leilani ordered tested ? - PGV - by Guest - 08-14-2014, 12:40 PM
RE: People of Leilani ordered tested ? - PGV - by Guest - 08-21-2014, 10:51 AM
RE: People of Leilani ordered tested ? - PGV - by dakine - 08-22-2014, 04:05 PM

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