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People of Leilani ordered tested ? - PGV
Originally posted by dakine

.. so what do you want? to push everyone aside so we all can have a bunch of heavy industry in what is otherwise a very populated rural and semi-urban farming and bedroom community?

my point is you had your chance and burnt the upper and middle rift.. but that's where you placed your bet. so please be a gracious looser and give it up already!

Thanks, dakine, for the lesson in woulda, shoulda, coulda... What you are saying, in essence, is that we have to preserve your god-given right to import suburbia to the Puna rainforest (as noted by another poster, "with all the NIMBY that that implies") and all other land uses become unacceptable - and the rest of the island population should resign itself to paying electric rates four times the national average. Not unlike the dispute on Kauai - where development of a dairy operation has become unacceptable to the high-end tourist accommodations that moved into a farming/agricultural environment for the "peace and tranquility" of a rural community. So much for sustainable local food production. The added parallel being that the only real objection in both cases is the exposure to the occasional unpleasant smell - and the effort to legitimize the nuisance objections with allegations of health and environmental impacts.

Not to go all biblical on you here, but "first cast the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye" - my point being that the suburbanization of Puna will be far more environmentally destructive of the native environment than development of sufficient geothermal electrical capacity to supply the entire island ever could be.

Messages In This Thread
RE: People of Leilani ordered tested ? - PGV - by Guest - 08-14-2014, 12:40 PM
RE: People of Leilani ordered tested ? - PGV - by Guest - 08-21-2014, 10:51 AM
RE: People of Leilani ordered tested ? - PGV - by geochem - 08-23-2014, 07:15 AM

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