10-07-2014, 12:25 PM
quote:You might be right, kalakoa. However, DLNR & OHA made their decisions on the contested case hearings.
Originally posted by kalakoa
I trust the terms and conditions agreed to will be followed
Funny. I figure another round of litigation, at least.
(*Snipped - More at link / Dated July 25, 2014)
The Land Board today will consider a denial of all requests for contested case hearings on TMT International Observatory’s sublease from the University of Hawaii to build the 30-meter telescope on Mauna Kea.
OHA's decision: (*Snipped - More at link - Dated July 17, 2014)
The Office of Hawaiian Affairs will not pursue a contested case hearing on the Thirty Meter Telescope sublease.The OHA Board of Trustees notified the state Department of Land and Natural Resources in a letter Tuesday, saying it’s withdrawing its written petition.As of July 10, the department had received six requests for a contested case hearing, including one from OHA.The remaining five requests were made by Mauna Kea Anaina Hou, Flores-Case ohana, Harry Fergerstrom, Paul K. Neves and Clarence Kukaukahi Ching.
See more at: http://hawaiitribune-herald.com/news/oha...JbC3A.dpuf