11-25-2014, 04:17 AM
Pahoated, all history is wrought with inequities. Attempting to right all the wrongs would be futile.
I have rarely been as impressed as I was visiting with a nomadic Mongolian chief. His people have lost their hunting grounds and can no longer be nomadic yet were simply seeking the legal right to residency and work in Thailand.
I asked him how he felt about all the changes and inequities since his tribes presence predated everyone else in the area. He responded "The world changes and all we seek is the opportunities to change with it, to adapt like everyone else."
He's an amazingly peaceful happy person, no sense of entitlement or blame.
I have rarely been as impressed as I was visiting with a nomadic Mongolian chief. His people have lost their hunting grounds and can no longer be nomadic yet were simply seeking the legal right to residency and work in Thailand.
I asked him how he felt about all the changes and inequities since his tribes presence predated everyone else in the area. He responded "The world changes and all we seek is the opportunities to change with it, to adapt like everyone else."
He's an amazingly peaceful happy person, no sense of entitlement or blame.