04-02-2015, 05:16 PM
quote:The kanaka maoli on Mauna Kea knew about the machinery being moved last week (March 25, 2015). "Lanakila" confronted Wally Ishibashi and the "Cultural Advisor" who was on site (sleeping in her car at that hour; early AM).
Originally posted by pahoated
Turns out it was mostly DLNR assisting the HPD. This has been very amusing since the protectors seem to have found out from the newspaper after the fact that all the heavy equipment was moved up there last week. Not sure what the credentials of these protectors are, don't seem to be ali'i or kahuna. TMT has also decided to rely on armies of lawyers versus culturally sensitive community outreach. There is a vast chasm between the astronomy community and the locals. Keck is doing a better job of public relations. TMT could have been more culturally sensitive with a cultural liaison but they are going with lawyers, no cultural rep. It would have done a lot to bridge the divide, now, not.
You can't buy this kind of free entertainment.
"Aloha also means goodbye. Aloha!"
(*Source - Joshua Lanakila Mangauil FB Page for reference-Sorry if you don't have FB; I don't either; my keiki send me the info)
One does not need to be "Kahuna" nor "Ali'i" to voice opinion. Some are messengers from Kupuna, which sometimes include Kahuna and Ali'i.
With all due respect, pahoated, this issue is merely another catalyst of pushing forth the rights of Hawaiian people. No need be "Ali'i" to stand onipa'a.
TMT did their due diligence and will proceed with the utmost respect of our culture. That is their promise. We hold them to that charge.
As a people, we must progress, however, never lose our culture, our language, nor our belief. Looking forward to the day when all of us can Imua kakou...together. No matter your race, color, nor creed.
ETA: Did you notice the faces of the DLNR officers in the video (two I see are ohana)? So telling, their body language. So heavy the pu'uwai (heart). Blessings to all as we move forward and progress.