04-06-2015, 05:14 AM
Chicken or the egg? If they come you will feed them? Or if you feed them they will come? Pahoa is pretty sweet for the homeless. What with the free showers and the county maintained public restrooms always plenty of lounging space on the boardwalks and then the centerpiece - free food.
How long before the oppressed masses from HNL get tired of the new sit/lie laws and start migrating east?
I wonder what level of counselling and social work is offered with the meal?
I followed that FB link Rob and the description was pretty vague. I clicked on the website link and was taken to a shopping mall site sponsered by Puna Hope. No details about the new soup kitchen though.
How long before the oppressed masses from HNL get tired of the new sit/lie laws and start migrating east?
I wonder what level of counselling and social work is offered with the meal?
I followed that FB link Rob and the description was pretty vague. I clicked on the website link and was taken to a shopping mall site sponsered by Puna Hope. No details about the new soup kitchen though.