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Let's say the TMT protestors succeed...
Originally posted by dakine

Actually 007 I would suggest the greater damage, the greater crime since you put it in such terms, is the long standing allusion to, or as I have termed it here the promise made by the actions of governments on all levels to the Hawaiian community of a right to self determination, to the expectation of their concerns being addressed.

So even though by what I understand to be your thesis it may be criminal to carry on as the protesters are I would counter with the notion that it is a greater crime for the state to be continuing to issue permits for development on land they do not have a clear title to.

And still, all along, I have pointed out that I do not think the underlying issue is the TMT project. This I believe will become evident now that the protest has expended and the term Aloha Aina has been adopted. I believe we shall see this play out in the coming days as footage of the gatherings, in Hilo yesterday, continuing on Mauan Kea and growing in numbers, and at todays gathering at Iolani Palace on Oahu as well as elsewhere begin to be broadcast. Even now on social media the numbers of people participating today are showing up on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. and are impressive.

So I would put forth, let the TMT stand as an icon, as a rallying symbol that gives the Hawaiian community, and their supporters, a chance to gather and get their grievances aired. It is a healthy process and one very entrenched in the fabric of American society. Otherwise the same grievances will need to find another catalyst. At some point I think, hope, we can all agree we all will be better off after they are air, and addressed, then ever it has been up until now.

"An icon, as a rallying symbol"

That's objectification Dakine. Ok to sacrifice, the good works of good men and women to air grievances? No it's not. The supporters you mention are naive and foolishly buy into the apologist mindset, it's tapping into a timewarp of mis/displaced guilt.

Then there's the entitlement issues of the original protesters, so spoiled by having one of the best welfare systems in the world.Up until recently there was a serious island welfare lifestyle on the Big Island. Either go to King Kam schools, best education for free or live on welfare free or both. This is not healthy.

Can't turn back the clock, and I wonder what Hawaii would look like now if it had never become a state. There would probably be new Gods created, chants and prayers to the Gods of the United States begging to be rescued from the Japanese during WWII.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Let's say the TMT protestors succeed... - by Punatic007 - 04-12-2015, 12:05 PM
RE: Let's say the TMT protestors succeed... - by dmbwest - 04-19-2015, 04:39 PM

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