04-15-2015, 08:14 PM
quote:Aloha (sincerely) Mr. Tom. First, I am very please you are healed from your bout with pneumonia. I was worried. (Sorry to others, OT)
Originally posted by TomK
It is always good to read your opinions. I'm only quoting a couple of your paragraphs since it is only those I want to comment on, or ask a question.
"With regard to TMT, they had better provide what is promised. Personally, there are doubts, given what I have seen with my own eyes. When ka po'e haole (or anyone) do not keep their word, it goes to credibility, honor, and integrity. TMT representatives failed in that regard to date."
What doubts do you have and what makes you have those doubts? I'm not sure about your claim about TMT representatives failing in that regard as there were many community meetings over the last few years when those representatives reached out to the local community. It would be helpful if you could be a little more specific. I'm not a TMT employee, but if there is something specific you have in mind, we can all learn from that.
"The TMT will be built after years of discussion. It is my hope TMT will fulfill the obligation (unlike many, many other telescopes, geothermal companies, HECO, etc. who do NOT) promised. When promises are made, by GOD and all that is holy to each freaking person on this earth no matter if you're Hawaiian, Irish, English, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Iraqi, etc., be true to your word. Period. That is your "honor" at stake."
This is something where I really do have an issue. The TMT has yet to be given a chance to fulfill its promises although it certainly has already contributed to local education. If it doesn't carry out its obligations then I'll stand with the protesters (no, I will not call them "protectors"), but how can an organisation carry out its obligations if it isn't allowed to go ahead?
With respect,
I must respond, (only to you, as I meant it; no more with this thread. Have you read the total disrespect for each other here? Of course you have. OMG, beyond words, Sir.)
To address your questions, I will do so in the order presented (and may go off topic for a moment because of being born wahine [

1) The day I went to Mauna Kea, which was also during the Governor's hiatus of this project being Merrie Monarch week, one of the TMT officials acted like a "tourist" to get past the protestors/protectors. He admitted he was doing work for the past "few days" although the media and public were advised of the moratorium until April 20, 2015. I watched it happen. There are videos of the discussion between the TMT official and the "protectors" flooding the internet (they tape EVERYTHING). In essence, the Governor's/State ruling meant nothing to this man.
2) We were behind the tow truck that was going to the top of Mauna Kea to get the Governor because his van broke. Ho'ailona. The discussion with Mr. Ige and the protectors/protestors was quite interesting. He (Gov. Ige) was taken aback for a moment. He had no conception of the "mana". (As an aside, poor thing didn't even know Merrie Monarch music was "live"! (lol...as reported by K-Five TV)
3) The "confrontation" that other telescope employees (including yourself, which I apologize for on behalf of my people) is provoked by the "misinformation" disseminated by TMT themselves. The deceit is what provokes mistrust.
4) As to the $1 million dollar a year, and what they provide for the community, it breaks down to $4.57 (approx.) per child here in Hawai'i, if spent wisely. That might buy them lunch in 2016.
5) With regard to OHA (Office of Hawaiian Affairs), DLNR/BLNR (State of Hawaii dept. who grant the lease(s)), not one of these entities considered the ramifications of making decisions without having these "protestors/protectors" (ie. heathens, restless natives, etc.) a seat at the table at the crucial negotiation period. Another auwe.
6) There have been several lawsuits filed (much like geothermal and PPA, etc. over the years) over seven (7) years ago. In fact, there is still appeals court decisions to be made. The ruling in Maui that the Hawaiian Kingdom does still exists has been a catalyst to this movement. The statements that "only now they (protestors/protectors) come forward" is inaccurate. There are outstanding rulings to be made in the USA court of appeals.
Mr. Tom, you are one that I hold in high regard, thus, please do not take my statements as any disrespect to your scientific purpose. Please forgive me if I have offended you in any way, shape, or form. I believe in science, (got an "A" always, and so do my mo'opuna) however, honor and integrity is what kupuna taught me. As a kanaka maoli, I am beholden to their charge.
gypsy, mahalo. Given our differences in opinion on occasion, you get it. Some will never. Kiss your keiki for us, and know that what is right will drop out the bottom, as it were. Aloha to your ohana.
May we find that middle ground, Sir. Mahalo for all you do for our scientific community, and moreso, for your ever present candor, Mr. Tom.
ETA: typo. Good night to all.