04-18-2015, 04:58 AM
quote:They don't want that question asked. I have a strong feeling it's not even legal to camp up there at all, regardless of whatever "facilities" are used.
Originally posted by Punaperson
A practical question brought up by another thread:
There have been 100 protesters on the mountain for 3 weeks. What are they using for bathroom facilities? Did they bring camping toilets ? Did they dig latrine pits ? Are they ' polluting the watershed ' ?
This whole situation took a bad turn when the Honolulu politicians joined the fray. The Hawaii County authorities, after patiently waiting a few days and issuing warnings, arrested about 30 demonstrators for illegally blocking the summit access road. This was done in a very humane manner.
Then the good old boy governor got involved and we get this rolling delay. So far the TMT management has gone along with this, despite having met every legal obligation through seven years of permit hearings, appeals, and court challenges. They need to insist on their right to begin construction, even if that means going to court for a non-interference injunction. At some point the protesters will run out of people willing to be arrested.