01-15-2017, 08:48 AM
C'mon BH, PTSD and OCD are serious conditions that can be triggered by loud repetetive noises. Even without these conditions one can get pretty sick of these copters that congest our air space and do nothing for the community. They should at very minimum be mandated to provide vouchers to residents in the flight path so we aren't excluded from the spectacles reserved for the rich. They should also be mandated to provide some sort of community service....the constant chopper noise does significantly impact quality of life. If you own livestock it is actually illegal for the whirly birds to fly too low.
Not to mention drones....anybody else had snoopy drones fly too low over their homes? Was informed that they could be from realtors or rippers. Either way, if one were to somehow "fall" on your property while snooping, it would become your property. Slingshots ready...lol!
Not to mention drones....anybody else had snoopy drones fly too low over their homes? Was informed that they could be from realtors or rippers. Either way, if one were to somehow "fall" on your property while snooping, it would become your property. Slingshots ready...lol!