01-22-2017, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by kalakoa
you may be buying a new CAT convertor
No emissions test in Hawaii, you can just replace the cat with a "test pipe".
Why the heck would you even say something like that? Haven't seen a test pipe since the early '90s, and even then they were illegal.
the CEL could set the vehicle into limp-home mode
Only if certain sensors (eg, the MAF) fail.
But without actually scanning the computer, you won't know, now will you? Mass Air Flow sensor failure would certainly do it, but I got multiple limp home mode failures from a slightly glitchy TPS (Throttle Position Sensor) - fix was to reprogram the computer so it wasn't so finicky about the data (but I made them replace the throttle body under warranty anyway.)
Anybody think the OP will ever come back to provide more info?
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