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HICoP Rally Saturday Sept. 9th 6-8 pm
Originally posted by MarkD

Geochem, I will not dispute that there have been false or exaggerated individual complaints. There probably have been a large number, perhaps akin to the folks who kept complaining about geothermal emissions at PGV.

But the broad sentiment here and also many places nationwide is 1) that there are far too many helicopters flights 2) that they fly in too many places (not enough restrictions pertaining to natural areas like National Parks) and 3) that they are too loud. Again, in New York the industry was forced cut half its flights.

Sorry MarkD, have to call you on this as well. Is there broad support here? or just a few persistently complaining individuals? Haven't yet seen (a large) roomful of people seriously upset by helicopter noise...

I hear helicopters and aircraft every day - sometimes directly overhead. I hear coquis every night and they are louder than the aircraft - I've learned to live with both. My life would be (every so slightly) better if I didn't have to live with either intrusive noise.
But I have lots more irritating issues (not the least of which is the impacts of persistent whiners on our society's ability to function productively) and productive tasks to deal with in my life, and so choose to focus on those instead.

If the complainers expended as much effort investigating/developing strategies to deal with the noise as they currently do complaining about it, they might find that there are effective methods of minimizing the impact of that noise on their collective psyches.

TomK - I'm not unsympathetic to your special case - noise cancelling ear buds are pretty effective... I use them pretty much every night...

Messages In This Thread
HICoP Rally Saturday Sept. 9th 6-8 pm - by Ino - 09-06-2017, 07:09 AM
RE: HICoP Rally Saturday Sept. 9th 6-8 pm - by geochem - 09-16-2017, 07:23 AM

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