07-13-2006, 07:31 PM
This thread reminds me of the actor(?) who said that in our youth we bought grass by the bag and as adults it is by the yard. Nancy Fryover (ironic last name for this subject don't you think?LOL) PLEASE don't move away! Many people who move here are just fed up with pencil brained rule-makers trying to run EVERYBODIES lives and imposing their brand of what-should-be ways of living. Sadly many of the strongest opponents of reefer think nothing of slamming back a few martinis and hitting the road. It's just so hypocritical and absurd. I really hope you will see that and not be offended. Yeah, we're taught that drugs are bad (don't have to look hard or far for proof) but then again floride and chlorine in the water has been shown to be bad. Even at this stage in my life and after having the misfortune of looking into the hollow, souless eyes of an ice head I have to agree with others; I'd MUCH rather deal with a "pothead", if-you-will, than a junkie of many other flavors. If that is what it takes to keep some people from snapping or going off on another living thing or property, hey, fire it up man. Peace, love, posters,incense beads. I probably will regret having posted this and I admit I've had ONE OF THOSE DAYS and consummed three (very rare for me) beers. Not driving and I know I'm not fit to, but not everybody goes by that logic. The beauty of this paradisical place is the freedom to be who you are (within reason) and not have finger wagging judgement trying to bring you down. You have the choice to not be around what you don't want to or to dive in with all fours. Maybe just practice the golden rule and things will be a little easier for you and trite verse but to often neglected: Judge not lest ye be judged. G/night. pj