07-29-2006, 07:37 AM
Sorry Nancy it's pau now. Lucy I wish I would have known about your recipe a few weeks ago. Last week I had FIVE pineapple rippen at the same time! Pineapple chicken, pineapple upside down cake, pineapple..straight..
Nancy I would have gladly shared my lychee with you but got the message too late. I did notice the lady in front of Wallyworld the other day selling some for, I think, $1.50lb! Killer deal, if they are any good. Have you ever noticed that really huge lychee tree in the Kea'au supermarket parking lot? Last Saturday I noticed choke lychee on it, maybe there are some lower branches that are easy to get to. Lucy thanks for the recipe! I might try that with pineapple as another one is just about ready! Wish I could share it with everybody.
