08-08-2018, 01:39 PM
Our hearing with the County Council went well. Council members were prepared and treated us fairly. Previous accusations made by the P & R Director against our club were not brought up. No negative testimony was made by any member of the public, just testimony after testimony of support.
The vote was unanimous in favor of Na Hoa Holomoku to receive a Memorandum of Agreement with the County of Hawaii allowing us to continue our activities on Hilo Bay. We have temporarily moved our boats and lockers to adjacent State land while we wait for P & R to perform maintenance of the Bay front.
We are thankful for Council members that brought up our need for security, water and a specialized MOA that works for both parties.
Our Board has submitted what we would like to see with our agreement to our attorneys. They will meet with County Corporate Council to finalize.
This never would have happened in we had not stood up for ourselves and had the support of the community that we received. I hope that the University of Hawaii Sail Club also takes the same course.
The vote was unanimous in favor of Na Hoa Holomoku to receive a Memorandum of Agreement with the County of Hawaii allowing us to continue our activities on Hilo Bay. We have temporarily moved our boats and lockers to adjacent State land while we wait for P & R to perform maintenance of the Bay front.
We are thankful for Council members that brought up our need for security, water and a specialized MOA that works for both parties.
Our Board has submitted what we would like to see with our agreement to our attorneys. They will meet with County Corporate Council to finalize.
This never would have happened in we had not stood up for ourselves and had the support of the community that we received. I hope that the University of Hawaii Sail Club also takes the same course.