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Solar Hot Water Variances are all being rejected
Having spent my initial college & post-grad engineering years actually working for Underwirters Laboratories, I gotta clear up a few fallacies in the first post:
"UL deals with electric appliances." not true, although they do test and list electric appliances, they are a global independent safety testing lab, and test and list many other things, including fire and wind resistance on building materials, fire penetration ratings, total electric system components (not just appliances), and chemical safety amoung others testing fields (interesting to note, though they no longer do this, in their early years, they were one of the first to safety test airplanes)
"UL Commission" there is no such entity. Underwiters Laboratories LLC is an independent safety testing company, not a "commission"

Everyone here may have a better idea why I am a stickler for facts. If you are not sure about & make up any part of a post, for some, that makes the rest of your post suspect.
It is easy enough to google for the facts!

ETA: If you note, I never stated "approved" & that may be a fallacy in the HI County code that someone may want to pursue. UL tests & lists products.

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RE: Solar Hot Water Variances are all being rejected - by Carey - 09-04-2019, 05:08 PM

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