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Resolution about climate change
Originally posted by Durian Fiend

The general reaction seems to be quite cynical. Fair enough, though if you see the price of gasoline/propane/electric grid power spike locally in the next few years due to higher taxes levied on these products don't say you weren't warned.

Higher taxes??? if only... Look at what they are trying to pull in Honolulu: the City Council wants to outlaw gas water heaters... I'm sure that the narrative is that they are saving the environment, but the reality is that they are supporting monopoly control by HECO and the solar industry (who I am sure haven't made any contributions to the re-elections of the Council members supporting this bill)... And if it happens there, we are next...

Messages In This Thread
Resolution about climate change - by dan d - 10-18-2019, 01:39 AM
RE: Resolution about climate change - by macuu222 - 10-18-2019, 03:24 AM
RE: Resolution about climate change - by geochem - 10-18-2019, 06:00 AM
RE: Resolution about climate change - by TomK - 10-18-2019, 09:23 PM
RE: Resolution about climate change - by geochem - 10-19-2019, 06:36 AM
RE: Resolution about climate change - by kalakoa - 10-19-2019, 07:04 AM
RE: Resolution about climate change - by tada - 10-19-2019, 11:52 AM
RE: Resolution about climate change - by TomK - 10-19-2019, 08:09 PM
RE: Resolution about climate change - by dan d - 10-20-2019, 01:44 AM
RE: Resolution about climate change - by randomq - 10-20-2019, 02:02 AM

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