03-30-2007, 10:23 AM
Cindy, another place to check is always Smith's Trading, they recondition appliances for resale. They are right next to KAPA radio, across from Fabric Warehouse, just down from WalMart at 21 Pohaku 961-0322.
I called today, 'cause I know it is harder for you to call, they don't have any air conditioners at the moment, but they do get them in... also try craigslist at http://honolulu.craigslist.org/big/
they only have one right now in Hilo & it is a little $$$, but it does have or best offer
You can also put up a wanted request.
Aloha, Carey
I called today, 'cause I know it is harder for you to call, they don't have any air conditioners at the moment, but they do get them in... also try craigslist at http://honolulu.craigslist.org/big/
they only have one right now in Hilo & it is a little $$$, but it does have or best offer

Aloha, Carey