03-30-2007, 10:56 AM
Thanks Makuu ! I forgot we have a Sears. I was driving in circles looking for Costco the other day, and then I rememembered it's in Kona lol
Anyway, Beachboy, thank you for trying to help. It sounds like you've read a few of my posts. In all fairness to my son, he does enjoy the nice weather here, but the thing is he's got supersonic hearing, and so he shuts his windows to sleep. And he sleeps at odd times. It doesn't really matter though, as we're moving into summer, it can get hot with windows shut even at night. And daytime is just way too noisy. Thank goodness I can wear ear plugs. We've talked about Volcano and plan to look at some rentals up there,but we pretty much decided that it's too far from our favorite beaches and swimming holes and that we enjoy the nice climate and don't miss the cold one bit. Plus I think the drive up can wear on the car's engine or transimission or something like that, and I have a used car. I find I often need a sweater at Volcano in the daytime. He's likely to just have the air on while sleeping when everything's close up. Makuu reminded me too that the air cond also works as a dehumidifier. His computer's all spread out on his closet floor - four hard drives, last count, so the dehumidifying is probably needed.
And since I gave up baking years ago, and hang my clothes to dry outsides, we save on oven and dryer electric anyway.
you're right Cindy, had I read more than just a few of your post I might have realized that you already moved here...I fell like the village idiot right about now!

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