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Like an old Alfred Hithcock movie..
To, perhaps, adjust your impression, usually, bee removal people don't eradicate them but find the queen, move her and a bunch of cohorts into a container, wait for most of the rest to follow, then transport them elsewhere, probably to a hive. I watched from the other side of a window while a specialist did this at an office in Mtn View, CA. I learned a lot watching.

There might be a swarm in your walls (if it's double-wall construction), in the attic (if there is one), or under the eaves of the roof, perhaps? Smoke will slow them down, but I wouldn't do that without considering what you do next, what they'll do when there's no more smoke, and what the smoke will do to the interior of your home.

Messages In This Thread
Like an old Alfred Hithcock movie.. - by Beachboy - 05-11-2007, 01:19 PM
RE: Like an old Alfred Hithcock movie.. - by Les C - 05-12-2007, 04:56 AM

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