08-17-2007, 04:31 PM
Two thoughts:
Vanguard is usually rated the best mutual fund company. It is owned by the investors and tends to look out for their interests and more importantly, its funds almost always have the lowest managment fees. Higher fees have shown to be inversely related to long term protfolio performance.
Second, when the Fed pours money into the markets, it is not actually taxpayer money. The Fed, can just issue new money, which is why such actions are very dangerious from an inflation point of view. The Fed has to be convinced that the danger of a melt down is greater than the danger of inflation before it makes such a move. Ditto the foreign central banks.
Rob L
Vanguard is usually rated the best mutual fund company. It is owned by the investors and tends to look out for their interests and more importantly, its funds almost always have the lowest managment fees. Higher fees have shown to be inversely related to long term protfolio performance.
Second, when the Fed pours money into the markets, it is not actually taxpayer money. The Fed, can just issue new money, which is why such actions are very dangerious from an inflation point of view. The Fed has to be convinced that the danger of a melt down is greater than the danger of inflation before it makes such a move. Ditto the foreign central banks.
Rob L
Rob L
Rob L