09-14-2007, 06:12 AM
We made a interesting discovery on old beach road, or Red road going north from Hawaiian beaches subdivision.. You can drive quite a ways down the road, passing old junk, stripped cars, refrigerators, a dead pig, (stinking) and a new fence being installed bounding the road side.. We made the drive in our two wheel drive truck which was raised about like a 4WD and thought, although many areas were a little tight we could make it all the way to HPP.. However, NOPE! ha, ha. There's a spot , a little hump which goes up about 15-20 feet, which is impassible via two wheel drive truck or car. Unless... You got lots of guts and want to make a run for it as fast as the terrain will allow yaw.. With no place to turn around at this spot, it' is a hairy back-up about 1/4 mile.. A interesting drive non the less. Next time 4WD. Looked like plenty of places to find ‘un-fished’ fishing spots. Not to leave out, yaw get a scary feeling up that road with nobody around, especially with stinking pig, ha.