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Miss Naeole, Power Production Coupled w/ Disposal
Of course everything starts with education of the young, and through time the collective conciousness expands until it's considered incorrect to do otherwise. Right now, due to the fact that the exigencies of recycling have not been properly addressed in our schools, in our churches (yes this is a spiritual problem also), by the various state and local departments charged with such forms of enviromental ledership, and especially by the Govenor's office, we see the result throughout Hawaii. Shall we simply end up barging our wastes to another's home? Or worse yet, barging it into the sea and discarding it as is done off the East Coast of the United States. What a travesty such acts are against Mother Earth. Combined with public education tailored initially toward the young, we've must use every conceivable approach to reduce the amount of waste on the one hand, while utilizing any form of approrpriate technology on the other. The problem has never been financial no matter what we are told ... the problem has been a dearth of responsible leadership from those who really care for the Aina.

In so doing I see the value and potential leverage of the incineration process as being a major player in the equation we've been handed, for the most part, by a historically slothful and unimmaginative team of state and local administrators, who, over the years, knew all to well, that eventually the hammer would fall, as of course it has done, as evidenced by the complete filling and subsequent contamination of ground water, yet they didn't seem to care, while passing the problem off to the next generation of players.

To solve any problem I believe it's best to start with the history of the system being examined. Past sub-standard leadership has brought us to this arena and that's the history ... and that's the truth ... but what now shall we do? Shall we be timid and do nothing, since we fear the incinerater system is not perfect, or shall we stick with the strength of our conviction and demand that the situation be taken care of by the best possible technology. Shouldn't we demand it. Shouldn't we demand that the water tables be no longer contaminated and say we don't want to hear why it can't be done. Make a plan and begin solving it or you're out!

Shouldn't we demand an across-the-board combined state and local campaign which reallyhas the capacity to instill withi the hearts of the children and others the reality that the Aina must be cherished and subsequently protected at all costs? Shouldn't the children esteem the Aina so much so that they wouldn't dream of 'not' recycling or litering these sacred islands? We must find leaders who are not afraid 'not to bow' to special interests or any group and I believe one of those 'new' leaders has just arrived.

I think it should suffice to say, and any even casual overview of the island's history will bare this out, that the general populations have been, overall, complacent, and the powers that be, have seized on this attibute of the people and have ran things into the ground, again, as evidenced by the fact that they have actually allowed the basic trash system of the island to back up, like a toilet, (and their solution? ... 'LET'S EXTEND THE SIDES OF THE TOILET'), so let's face it ... they've FAILED miserably, and we're left facing the aftermath.

We need new [aggressive] green leadership and they can be R's or D's or independents, I don't care ... since the current cadre causes all of us to languish within a territorialy-minded district where we receive the hand-me-downs if we're lucky and as I've stated, I see a light on the horizon and I'll support her one-hundred per cent. If she believes an incinerator will work we should have it. We should demand it.


Edited by - JayJay on 11/14/2007 03:36:52

Edited by - JayJay on 11/14/2007 03:53:35

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RE: Miss Naeole, Power Production Coupled w/ Disposal - by JayJay - 11-13-2007, 11:30 PM
RE: Miss Naeole, Power Production Coupled w/ Disposal - by PunaLover - 11-15-2007, 07:10 AM

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