12-17-2007, 05:14 PM
There is another perspective. I think it's sad that Pohoiki has changed so much in recent years. I can understand what a terrible loss it must be for those people who grew up here to have it overrun by mainlanders. The typical mainlander's attitude is that they have a right to everything. If anyone dares to suggest otherwise they are aghast. But,the truth is that your presence is ruining Puna. It's a sad reality. Some Puna natives are sad or angry and probably feel helpless to stop the rape of the place that they have always called home. Breaking a window won't stop the flood of FOBs, but I can understand why someone might feel angry and frustrated and helpless enough to lash out. It's not right, as far as right and wrong goes, but I can understand it and I'm sad for their loss.