01-13-2008, 02:39 PM
Yes, some serious talk story here and across the island is needed for this election.
Mr. Higa? ... we could do worse, I just can't imagine how!
Saint Harry Kim had me fooled for a while too -- however, after some direct conversations with him and a look under the surface, our good community will be paying for Harry's colossal mistakes for years to come. His term has been sheltered by the real estate boom that raised valuations and overflowed the County coffer$.
With real estate market prices already 50% of 2 years ago, and still falling, spare change is going to be hard to come by for the next Mayor.
Billy Kenoi has said he intends to pick up where Harry Kim left off -- that is almost as clueless as Stacy Higa.
James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park