02-04-2008, 11:04 AM
Aloha kakou!
Before someone reads this post and tries to nail me as a self-centered, self-rightous, cold-hearted b**t**d (which you can still do no matter what I say) - I truly express these opinions with Aloha.
As "Aunty Lele" wrote:
Aloha is strong - it survives brutality and abuse.
Aloha is unconditional - it loves the unlovable.
Aloha is steadfast - it continues to cherish, even when assailed.
Aloha is forgiving - it accepts what has happened and moves on.
Aloha is healing - it does not remain in a space of pain, but finds solutions to problems and implements them.
Aloha is responsible - it recognizes the interconnections between all creation.
Dictionary.com does make a distinction between "panhandling" and "begging".
to accost passers-by on the street and beg from them.
to accost and beg from.
to obtain by accosting and begging from someone.
to ask for as a gift, as charity, or as a favor
to ask alms or charity
to ask humbly or earnestly
I do not like the idea of anyone having to "beg" for anything - BUT - when was the last time you actually came across someone actually "begging" - that humble, heart wrenching, need for something - food (will eat anything), clothing (will wear anything), shelter (will sleep under any safe roof), tolerance, a kind embrace!
Panhandling is TOTALLY different. It is to "ACCOST" someone.
to confront boldly
Jobs have nothing to do with panhandling.
Homelessness has nothing to do with panhandling.
Lack of food, clothing has nothing to do with panhandling.
Lack of tolerance and a kind embrace MIGHT have something to do with panhandling.
Panhandling is the easiest, laziest way for someone to secure MONEY - not for the things they NEED but the things they WANT!
It is the acceptance of panhandling that encourages it.
'O wau no me ka mahalo,
A need is a material thing - it has substance.
A want is an emotional thought to be weighed with the need for it.
Before someone reads this post and tries to nail me as a self-centered, self-rightous, cold-hearted b**t**d (which you can still do no matter what I say) - I truly express these opinions with Aloha.
As "Aunty Lele" wrote:
Aloha is strong - it survives brutality and abuse.
Aloha is unconditional - it loves the unlovable.
Aloha is steadfast - it continues to cherish, even when assailed.
Aloha is forgiving - it accepts what has happened and moves on.
Aloha is healing - it does not remain in a space of pain, but finds solutions to problems and implements them.
Aloha is responsible - it recognizes the interconnections between all creation.
Dictionary.com does make a distinction between "panhandling" and "begging".
to accost passers-by on the street and beg from them.
to accost and beg from.
to obtain by accosting and begging from someone.
to ask for as a gift, as charity, or as a favor
to ask alms or charity
to ask humbly or earnestly
I do not like the idea of anyone having to "beg" for anything - BUT - when was the last time you actually came across someone actually "begging" - that humble, heart wrenching, need for something - food (will eat anything), clothing (will wear anything), shelter (will sleep under any safe roof), tolerance, a kind embrace!
Panhandling is TOTALLY different. It is to "ACCOST" someone.
to confront boldly
Jobs have nothing to do with panhandling.
Homelessness has nothing to do with panhandling.
Lack of food, clothing has nothing to do with panhandling.
Lack of tolerance and a kind embrace MIGHT have something to do with panhandling.
Panhandling is the easiest, laziest way for someone to secure MONEY - not for the things they NEED but the things they WANT!
It is the acceptance of panhandling that encourages it.
'O wau no me ka mahalo,
A need is a material thing - it has substance.
A want is an emotional thought to be weighed with the need for it.