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Are water wells posable in Fern Forest?
Anything is possible, after all the deepest water well (4,000' deep) in the world is on this island, at Pu'u Wa'awa'a. Is it practical? Probably not.... Unless there is a perched water table (usually a volcanic dike causes this in HI) You are looking at drilling a well somewhere around 2,000' (give or take a few hundred, depending on your elevation within the subdivision)
Daniel Diamond will probably have more info.
Catchment water is normally used in your area. The water is not bad, & can easily be made totally potable (with filters & UV light)
(Well water on island, if it is feasable, is very good (some of the best in the world)

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RE: Are water wells posable in Fern Forest? - by Carey - 03-05-2008, 11:54 AM

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