08-29-2008, 05:45 PM
Aloha KathyH,
This happened about 3 years ago, almost right after we arrived on the Big Island. 'Welcome to the Big Island", that's how we felt. Other 'good samaritans' neighbors helped ease the trauma, but later proved they were just as bad, only in a more subtle way. I don't know, maybe it was our naive attitude or what but we were taken twice right after we arrived. Luckily we survived it and have found many kind and generous people since then.
If I can in ANY WAY help you get over this, please let me know. I will help in any way I can, being shoveling dirt or whatever. Please let me know. It will help you AS MUCH AS IT'LL HELP ME.
This happened about 3 years ago, almost right after we arrived on the Big Island. 'Welcome to the Big Island", that's how we felt. Other 'good samaritans' neighbors helped ease the trauma, but later proved they were just as bad, only in a more subtle way. I don't know, maybe it was our naive attitude or what but we were taken twice right after we arrived. Luckily we survived it and have found many kind and generous people since then.
If I can in ANY WAY help you get over this, please let me know. I will help in any way I can, being shoveling dirt or whatever. Please let me know. It will help you AS MUCH AS IT'LL HELP ME.