09-02-2008, 07:50 AM
I am repeating what I wrote under the tree cutting topic. Over 5 years ago we had trees removed by two different licensed tree cutters. (expensive) They also estimated on a project removing large ironwoods, plus other trees bordering the ponds, very difficult because of the narrow walkways, equipment could not be brought in, cost was thousands! Troy's estimate, fraction of the price. Trees were cut, removed and the area cleaned up, he did a fantastic job! He has done a couple more big jobs for us since then, one job we said 5 trees, then, well maybe that one over there, also how about those two, ended up cutting 10. How many of us start a project, then change our mind. How frustrating it can be for the person doing the job. Kalanianaole, Hilo, where the new condo is going in, Troy originally hand cleared that lot, owners putting it up for sale wanted people to see the potential of the property! Confrontations here, as described by the three punawebbers is troubling and disturbing. What happened to Kathy should not have happened. I had an incident with Troy recently which was also very upsetting.I've played it over and over in my mind and came to a decision that I had to put it behind me as he has never faulted on the work he has done for us. Punaweb members are just a small (valuable) segment of the Puna population, but there are many jobs and many people Troy has helped in the Puna area, which is why he is still in business. Also, the reason he does not work afternoons,is because of his animals and birds. And Yes, we would and will hire him again!