09-06-2008, 04:07 AM
quote:And, isn't that the point Hikatz was trying to make. Things were said about this individual from people who have no idea who he is, what he did, or any facts beyond what one person posted. Everything said about him may be 100% true, or it could be 50% true or it could be completely false and blown out of proportion. Let's assume for a moment that it was Puna Pete who posted the comment and it was about Rob and Castleblock, what do you honestly think the reaction would have been?
Originally posted by pslamont
You weren't there and don't know what happened.
There was an immediate offensive attack posture taken against the contractor and an immediate defensive posture taken for the poster, many by those who know squat about what occurred. That, I believe, is the basis of Hikatz comments, one I fully understand and agree with.