09-22-2008, 08:52 AM
quote:I guess I'm one of the few that thinks voting should be a little inconvenient. If you aren't interested enough in the topic in question to suffer a little inconvenience to cast your vote on the issue, then you probably wern't interested in doing enough study on the issue to vote intelligently. Just my humble opinion.
Originally posted by nnickle:
To help solve the problem of low turn out Hawaii might want to change their absentee voting to make it Permanente and not have to ask every year.
I don’t have to take time out of work on weekdays and I can enjoy my weekends doing what I want without thinking about voting. Why because I vote absentee. No waste gas or time.
quote:I don't have much faith that the posters to the Tribune are any more representative of the general populace than PunaWeb. The Tribune posters are pretty out there in many if not most instances. The posters to my local Fla. paper are the same. It's my opinion that most normal responsible working people of any sub-group are too busy to be bothered with that kind of stuff. At least I hope that's the case based on my observations of both the Tribune posters and my local paper's posters. What does that say about me and my affinity for PunaWeb?
Originally posted by Kathy:
The reason I play devil's advocate here is so many prospective residents seem to think Punaweb types reflect the general population. No way! You want to hear the voices of the more average (but still internet-savvy) people, read the posted comments that follow the news articles in the Tribune Herald. They're pretty candid and most don't sound anything like what you read on Punaweb.
Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.