10-06-2008, 03:09 AM
Dave; don't know what I'm busy at, except trying to keep my head above water and get moved before I have to pay someone to take this house off my hands. Thankfully we moved our 401K to interest income about 4 months ago, otherwise I guess I'd be out in the street with my infamous rope looking for politicians. I think we are headed for a depression and I just hope something works, although I don't hold out much hope. Its going to take community efforts pulling together to weather this. neighbors helping neighbors and bartering for needed goods and services. I don't think either of the idiots currently engaging in constructive name calling and finger pointing have a clue.
dick wilson
dick wilson
dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"