11-17-2008, 09:15 AM
I think the entire Puna area has been under attack for quite some time now.
The problems being mentioned now... are the same ones being mentioned 15 years ago.
My Blog
well Damon, my concern is where my family & I live right now , which is HPP. That is why I was curious about how many Keaau cops work on one shift?
Perhaps HPP should go to the Mayor or City council and ask if it would be possible to put a few Police Kiosk around the larger subdivisions so these cops can get to crimes as they happen, instead of hours later. Or Perhaps HPP should think about diverting some of their annual road fees to shore up their neighborhood watch & remove some Albezia trees too. I mean after all not all the HPP residents are gonna get their roads paved. Yet we are expected to pay this annual road fee.
As for having a gun at home. I have heard time and time again of accidents were the kids find their father's handgun. Usually an accidental death follows these situations, or at least nothing good comes from such episodes.
I remember living at Pupukea Heights back in the 70's. My neighbor at the time was a famous east coast surfer named Jeff Crawford. He would stay at this house, his mother's part-time when coming over for the winter surf. Well to pay for his surf season. His sponsors would pretty much pay for 50% of his expenses. But Jeff partied hard back in those days. Him and his east coast surf buddy Roger Kincaid would fly from Florida to Oahu with anywhere from two to four suitcases full of Columbian cannabis. He would sell it on the North Shore to help subsidize his winter expenses & pleasures.
Well low and behold Jeff comes home one night from partying in Haleiwa just to be robbed inside his own home, with his own gun!!! Yes, the perps found his home defense and almost turned it on him!
I don't think anybody in the Civilian sector should own a gun. Hunters should be the only people owning one!
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