07-24-2010, 10:34 AM
Ralph and I checked this out yesterday and what a sham! It cost $7.00 to get in (per person) and the deals were few and far between. Call me old fashioned but $25.00 for ONE tee-shirt or 2-4-$45.00 just does not seem like all that great of a deal. The electronic stuff was in old looking and worn boxes and I'm not enough of a computer geek to know if any of it was a good deal but the cheapest lap top that I saw was $199.00. The deals on the perfume and such, not so great either and I know for a fact the product one guy was selling as Chanel 5 was NOT. Just thought the unsuspecting public should know the truth since the radio commercials make it out to sound like the deals of a life time. Oh, and the $19.00 cd players that were advertised were sold out as there were only 20 of them to begin with. Just like my mom always said, "If it's to good to be true.........." My vote for the weekend? Go get wet, unless your car is in the shop.