12-24-2008, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by Tom Lackey
I have many guns most are registered and the police have a familiarity with it, and me. They came by and said,”hey Tom what’s up with the gunshot? No, they didn’t come in with pistols drawn and shotguns cocked and when they realized it was my house they almost express joy. There was no need to show them the rifle since I told them that I popped a rat out of my avocado tree with rat shot. He enquired if it was a head shot and I said, yea you bet, it’s the only way to flatten it with one pop. Then I showed him the extinguished rat and he said “nice shot.” To be sure that he was doing the right thing he read me the riot act about setting up an KO Corral situation in my backyard. I said, you are absolutely correct officer and opened another beer and saluted the Puna police for being so goddamned reasonable. For the record, the guns I own that are not registered ain’t in my house here.
Wow, all of this because I shot a rat. I have a new approximation as how to deal with these dirty rats. I’m going to construct a small landmine under my coconut trees with an electric ignition source. I’m planning to bate it with peanut buttee and then observe. When the rat starts to consume the bate I’m going to blow his keister into kingdom come with a magazine of BB’s under the bate. It may be a little loud, in fact it will be a LOT louder. but I won’t be discharging a firearm within a residential neighborhood. I wonder if Greg would telephone the cops for that, yea he probably would, Greg might call if he heard thunder without seeing the lighting.
The Lack
Haha, I hear ya man. Let's mix up a big batch of explosive and make land mines - LOL, I bet you'll get some crap over that one too! I wasn't trying to insinuate your guns were illegal by any stretch, I was just wondering about the local police's temperment when they got there... Sounds like they are familiar with you so they may have let you off easier than they would an unknown like me...