04-02-2009, 08:03 PM
Recently, my neighbors hen and chicks came over to my property and my dogs and cats were bewildered by these 2 legged creatures. My animals never harmed a feather, but just watched. Worried for my animals safety, I caught the fowls and returned them back to my neighbor. You see, chickens are famous for pecking at animals eyes, resulting in severe eye damage that leads to blindness. The conversations have been so one sided that I'd thought it important to state. Cats do not go after chickens because the chicken exist. Another point, on my grandparents farm in Kamuela, the chickens where contained in a huge area for their protection. Here in Puna, we are blessed with hawks and owls, and they sure do love to go after chicks, and I hope no one shoots these wonderful birds!!!! Well fed cats in a TNRM colony do not climb trees to go after birds, but I see rats all the time do. The rats will climb a thin trunk Ohia Tree straight up, get into the birds nest for food. If any fledgings are in the nest, the rat by movement alone will bounce the fledgings out. The rats here in Puna are quite aggressive, I have heard allot of stories of the damage they do, including to my neighbors house across the street. Not afraid of people, and kept eating into the wall to get into the kitchen pantry. They now have a cat and no more rat problems. If a archaeological study was done at our landfill a 100 years from now, they would surely think because of the finding of hundreds of thousands of animal bodies that our society was sacrificing these animals in some type of ritual. That ritual is ignorance of catch and kill, instead of embracing Spay/Neuter and a TNRM program policy for felines.
Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect
Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect
Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect