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State Pay Cuts may Close Kulani Prison
I think the ultimate goal is simply to close any state facility. There are two philosophies at play here: 1) The philosophy that government can get nothing right and that its functions should be eliminated and taken over by private enterprise, and 2) the philosophy that a nation or state can achieve more and create a better life for its citizens with a well-run government and that there are certain functions that are not profitable but nonetheless necessary or desireable for pratcial or philosphical reasons and so are best left to government (e.g., postal service, going to the moon).

Right now, adherents of the first philosophy are winning big. In states around the country, governments are selling off or closing state facilities for various reasons. But the underlying reason is the first stated philosophy above. People absolutely cannot remember how government functions were supported. In 1961, John Kennedy said "Let's go to the Moon and do it in this decade". We did. The very idea of setting such a challenge for the nation now is dead. We are the degenerated remnants of a great nation. We have forgotten how to act together, to make small sacrifices together so that we can achieve great things....or at least keep our prisons open, if not go to the moon or Mars.

Lingle is an adherent of the first philosophy.

Messages In This Thread
State Pay Cuts may Close Kulani Prison - by Carey - 07-22-2009, 06:09 PM
RE: State Pay Cuts may Close Kulani Prison - by Kelena - 07-25-2009, 02:24 AM
RE: State Pay Cuts may Close Kulani Prison - by Guest - 07-26-2009, 07:29 PM

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