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Mexican restaurant opening soon in downtown Hilo?
We were driving to Garden Exchange and noticed the newly renovated building with the cute little pineapple decorations said something about becoming a Mexican restaurant.

There's really only 2 on this side...1 has food that is pretty bad and the other has pretty good food but is pretty gross aesthetically.

I'm crossing my fingers and toes for a really good restaurant!

I love, love, love Mexican food; Enchiladas, burritos, sopaipillas, tostadas....and please offer carry out and a bar I can sit at while waiting!!

Messages In This Thread
Mexican restaurant opening soon in downtown Hilo? - by mailesomaha - 01-10-2012, 02:28 PM
RE: Mexican restaurant opening soon in downtown Hilo? - by missydog1 - 02-01-2012, 07:55 AM
RE: Mexican restaurant opening soon in downtown Hilo? - by dmbwest - 12-28-2012, 07:16 PM

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