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Hawaiian Acres Farmers market
Kalakoa might have a skipping record on his turntable but you gotta admire the consistent tenacity. Maybe if the 'county sucks' chorus was a little larger we just might get some things accomplished. Meanwhile, I do appreciate the one man band - even if he only knows one tune!
yes if kala , keeps on maybe others will follow, he is right the county makes it up as they go sooner or latter this will catch up and things will have to improve because the good ole boy network can never continue business as usual .
Maybe if the 'county sucks' chorus was a little larger

People have been saying that for years.

If the subdivisions were united into a "Federation of Associations", we might get what we want from County, with the potential downside that we'd have to pay for it.

I am not interested in a monetary settlement, nor do I want full infrastructure; I want County to stop pretending that "The Rules" are equally relevant and applicable to all situations. We need legitimate exemptions to "The Code", some kind of "alternative" or "sustainable" regulations that actually make sense for the reality that is rural Hawaii.

It's not just "the roads", but these are the most visible symptom. (While I sympathize with HPP's "fugitive dust" problem ... it's also really funny in a twisted sort of "how the hell did we end up here" kind of way, enough so that it makes a great poster child for people not familiar with the issues.)
How many people in this forum subject actually live in Hawaiian Acres ?

How many own land in Hawaiian Acres ?

How many have G.E . tax numbers ?

How many raise or grow farm products to sell at the farmers market in Hawaiian Acres ?

How many people in this subject forum pay their Road dues or their H.A.C.A . dues ?

Life is a blessing.
I am not there yet due to my health situation but I am paying attention when I can. The way the Acres is spread out most people will show up to the farmers market in a car, riding a bicycle on 8 road looks suicidal.Then I look at the setup there at the community center whoa at present there is room for a donation bake sale. I love the idea of the market. My thoughts on road dues are conflicted by the ongoing complaints. Commerce is good though and can unify people in ways that go beyond personal differences. If there is a farmers market it would be in all of our best interest to make it a really good one.
I am not there yet due to my health situation but I am paying attention when I can. The way the Acres is spread out most people will show up to the farmers market in a car, riding a bicycle on 8 road looks suicidal.Then I look at the setup there at the community center whoa at present there is room for a donation bake sale. I love the idea of the market. My thoughts on road dues are conflicted by the ongoing complaints. Commerce is good though and can unify people in ways that go beyond personal differences. If there is a farmers market it would be in all of our best interest to make it a really good one.
I am not there yet due to my health situation but I am paying attention when I can. The way the Acres is spread out most people will show up to the farmers market in a car, riding a bicycle on 8 road looks suicidal.Then I look at the setup there at the community center whoa at present there is room for a donation bake sale. I love the idea of the market. My thoughts on road dues are conflicted by the ongoing complaints. Commerce is good though and can unify people in ways that go beyond personal differences. If there is a farmers market it would be in all of our best interest to make it a really good one.
gogould , you would not be able to do a bake sale as there are board of health rules in place you would have to conform with. you may envision a farmers market (since you are not on the island) that would have sellers with an abundance of fresh grown products, some possible used home goods , adequate parking for vendors and buyers , etc, not the case here. in fact go to Hawaiian acres google groups , the market is on hold again.
there is no parking for buyers , the sellers area which might accommodate 12 is not at all ready puddles and mud big rocks . nothing is organized yet .
before it was shut down the only things for sale were a handful of plants , eggs (not allowed per board of health) and junk that from time to time was left behind.
also going on is some free cooked food which draws in homeless people from outside the subdivision . I hope this gives you a clearer mental picture of what is going on .suggest you go to the real farmers market located not far from the subdivision in lower puna. I sell truck loads of fresh fruit there .
I am struggling with using the phone for this. Anyway I was using the donation bake sale as an observation of present site capability for an event. I myself am not a bake sale promoter. I know what a real farmers market looks like as most people do. Everything starts somewhere. I am off of this subject now having said my piece as a local landowner.
go to the real farmers market

The one that charges for parking, or the one with hardly any vendors?

I'm still confused about the part where government gets to tell landowners what activities they may conduct on their private property. I must be new here.

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