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Burned by land clearing guy, a cautionary tale
Dave; I probably should let this drop, but it just infuriates me when someone use their size and or their behavior to intimidate a woman. I've noticed that this type of "man" does not attempt this behavior with someone their size. It has nothing to do with "puffing up your chest" it has to do with civilized behavior. Unfortunately our society now encourages us to ignore this type of behavior and not make a scene. These types depend on that and when confronted by someone who responds in the manner this behavior merits, they want to scream assault. There is a point at which they just have to be shown the error of their ways in a manner they understand.

dick wilson
dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
LOL, actually Troy is shorter and smaller than average. I could say something about compensating for that ... my son thinks that is a real factor.

If he had been 300 pounds of pissed-off local, I may not have yelled back.
I did go right back at him, I will not lie and say I didn't lose my cool ... like I said in my first post, I was already feeling he had crossed the line but when he got to the point where he said all Puna people do is rip you off and he knew I was like that and that was the real reason he didn't want to work any more ... I just got so mad!

I mean, the day before I wrapped my day around getting to the bank so I could pay him (this was before I saw the state of the job), and I had the money for him, so it was just infuriating to be called a ripoff.

Anyhow, it's not about physical size, its about his mouth and getting in my face. I was more concerned about him coming back and stealing something or doing something sneaky than being pummeled, honestly. While he may not be like that, I don't know. (And John's Areca's disappeared). So we upped our security on the property. Another annoying thing, having to be paranoid because of an encounter with a volatile jerk.

To make Troy and hikatz feel better, I will edit the subject line and maybe this topic won't come up so high on google after its next update. I'm not sure. However this seems to be upsetting them a lot so I will extend that much of an olive branch.

I sent Troy a certified letter asking him to make reparation, and yes I will file in Small Claims. I am not one of those people who likes to throw out the "court" word unless I'm serious. I don't care for the idea of going to court, but I feel like I was ripped off, and I asked DCCA for advice, and everyone said go to Small Claims. At the least it provides a venue where he will have to tell the story, although I fully expect that his version and mine will be apples and oranges.
GOOD FOR YOU. You should never let yourself be intimidated when you're right. He may be smaller, but having someone get right up in your face can be offsetting. I'm delighted to see you are not taking this type of behavior lying down. If everyone responded the same way, maybe our society would really be civilized. The type of behavior you described should NEVER go unchallenged. RANT.RANT. Its just unfortunate you have to pay to provide yourself with a sense of security.
dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
Hey Dick,

I agree whole heartedly in that I always wonder if this type of issue happens if Kathy is a man. I know this type of talk will tick-off some women. My mother would be one of those women. But lets face it some men will pull sht on women that they wouldn't even think of trying on a man. Maybe it's a southern gentleman thing.. I'm not saying this is or is not the case here but if that were mine or your wifes..

To touch on another thing you mentioned this is going to be my last post on this thread. I think its ran its course but if anyone else wants to post that's their business. Peace, dave


"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young


"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young

Agree Dave; time to let it die. Although we do seem to think alike on this subject. Mahalo

dick wilson
dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
Originally posted by KathyH
To make Troy and hikatz feel better, I will edit the subject line and maybe this topic won't come up so high on google after its next update...

Google doesn't work like that... the damage has been done and he will now be forever associated with this thread. Unless Rob Removes it.

I removed my blog about Mr. Stenzel, however, it's still in the Google history for him.

Of course you could try and convince Google to take it down...but the chances of that are like zilch.

I am done posting about this incident unless something happens or I get asked a question, but because of Damon's last post I took a look at Google, which I hadn't befote.

Damon, I was kind of shocked to see you're blogging about this in a way that makes "Troy Stenzel calls KathyH a liar" some sort of news. It makes it all sound like a political campaign!

If people here can't put something on Punaweb without it being copied over to Damon Tucker's BLOG, that's going to affect how people feel about posting. I shared something with a particular community that has a history of sharing experiences relating to taking care of our properties--the community where I found the referral.

It has no business being on your blog.
So what next? Is anything personal fair game to become blog news?
How about our gynecologist stories? Will they turn into headlines?
I think you're getting way too carried away.
Why not stick to news news and your own personal stuff, not other people's personal stuff.
I'm glad your pau posting here Kathy...

Now maybe we can all learn from the hard lessons.

A. Have Written Contract
B. Realize that Punaweb is open domain
C. Look at Google once in a while
D. Ask More People Then Just Punaweb People for Recommendations
E. Realize that words hurt and can cause crap down the road
F. I blog about anything and everything, if someone thinks that their posts on Punaweb are private... well they have learned a quick lesson.
G. There are always two sides of a story
H. Ranting and Raving after a few sips of "Whine" might backfire and lead to changing topics and/or posts
I. **** ****ING HAPPENS...
J. The best lessons learned are the hard ones.
K. One persons hard work could be anothers view of crap.
L. Google doesn't give a rip about a Punaweb Community
M. I care to much about the PW community
N. I'm often misunderstood
O. I won't work for people that are hard to work for
P. Everyone can have a bad day now and then
Q. Bitching and complaining doesn't necessarily fix things... however it sure feels good.
R. I only posted on my blog a story that could have lead into something more... I regretted it... but I can't tell google to take it down...but I did take it down after it was requested from my blog.
S. Many Blogs won't let you change the topic as your mood swings
T. Sorry you had a crappy experience
U. You know I got your back KathyH and I could have probably recommended someone to you also...but it sure would suck... had you started up with something like this to one of my friends.
V. The internet is more powerful then you think.
W. Finding contractors that will work for low prices is hard to find and burning bridges with them won't get you much work down the road.
Y. Best of luck with your lawsuit
Z. "There's a hole in the bucket.... Dear Kathy... Dear Kathy... There's a hole in the bucket."

hey Damon,
what an obnoxious lecture.
I use at Google all the time, but I don't look up my own stuff.
You obviously judged the situation your way ...
I was not a pain in the butt to work for ... he was very specific about what he would do, it was HIS proposal of the project, and he didn't do it ...
Did you ask me for photos of what he did before you decided? No.
You could have judged the work objectively, but you decided it was hard work and I was just being picky.

His prices are not low, and you have me pegged wrong that I scour around looking for bargain workers. I look for good people who are skilled. Troy was never recommended as a bargain, but as a good person for the job ... and that's why I called him. I like giving work to individuals. The big contracting companies get enough of the jobs and don't really care for small jobs, so it's usually a good fit.

By the way, the job is being done right now, and more than twice as good in half the time, with actual thought put into the design and execution. It's like day and night the difference in work style, work ethic, and logical approach.

Your blog posting was tasteless, sorry.
I don't care that it's cached, s'OK, I can live with what I put out there staying out there, but it's not a very impressive way to blog, pointing to posts and hyping things.

I don't think PUnaweb is secret or private, but it is a conversation amongst a community, and for you to lift the conversations is just tasteless ...

most bloggers I see have their own stuff to write about, their own story.

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