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any TSA advice?
Well asa a survivor of the TSA gauntlet! Let me say holy high priestess the first air travel I've done in 10 years where I wasn't targeted for humiliation! Yes the see threw plastic dress Ccarey shared with me did the trick!

Actually I think this advise is the best, "keep gifts unwrapped and don't wear anything metal through the detectors" per. I didn't set off the walk threw detecdtors no barettes, heavy jewelry ear rings nothing. It was quiet when I walked thru and the attendent just waved me on by the scanner and no pat down either.

I've gone through so many times no one needs to ask me to remove my coat and shoes, I put computer and parcels in single boxes no layers and it was scanned and passed! This is somewhat strange as I was carrying in huge glass fish in a shopping bag. The time I brought in a glass jellyfish I got the works! Perhaps I've trained them now to expect some funny looking stuff!

My walk thru the papaya fields this morning was delightful! Aloha everyone the clouds are puffy and the sky is blue and the air is heavenly! Aloha nui loa!

mella l

Art and Science Our Future
mella l
Art and Science
Took someone to the airport the other day and the blue shirts (TSA) almost outnumbered the passengers. I was scared, not of terrorism, but of the removal of our rights and freedoms by our own government. When is enough, enough? I'm outraged too. Next time I fly, I will take cue from the 43 y.o. mom and strip down to my skimpies and let 'em have an eye full. Nobody's going to irradiate me, nor touch my junk!

Hi, mella 1! Glad to see you made it back unmolested and without becoming a human guinea pig in a massive backscatter radiation experiment on cancer rates.

What is the largest dimension of sign which is legal along a roadside in Hawaii, does anyone know offhand? This effort at The Point is promoting an approach which could add to pressure for reform: "Imagine hard-hitting, anti-scanner, anti-groping 60 foot billboards at major airports. Imagine airline executives and TSA employees seeing public outrage everyday on their way to work. Imagine the media response to a highly visible, bold campaign to educate travelers about TSA abuse."

I'd like to see such a billboard outside of every major airport until the TSA is abolished and replaced by a more appropriate, cost-efficient, and effective approach to performing actual security instead of expensive, inappropriate, and hazardous security theater.

BTW, folks in Puna might want to remember this The Point online fundraiser approach for diverse applications locally. An account can be established for any cause, such as sending a school team to a tournament. I really like the features via which no charges are made until the goal is reached (so, if a fundraiser falls short then potential donors are charged nothing) and which allows donors to remain anonymous. Given the documentation of TSA deliberately targeting people --such as reporters-- for harassment if they are critical of the TSA, the anonymous donor option could be useful to protect one from being placed on a list for reprisals. Here is an example of this Orwellian TSA police state behavior:

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Baby Hummingbird

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Astonishing skill! This archer is a real-life Legolas and then some!

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Refuse to submit! Give 'em hell! To go down quietly is to give up our freedoms.
Ill keep my personel feelings out of this (you dont want to get me going on TSA clowns) but we came to Hawaii from Alaska to housesit for a friend getting medical attention in Honolulu and there was nothing different really. I didnt set off any alarms so they let us pass with no worries. In fact the folks in Alaska were a little nicer for a change and treated us well. I keep telling myself... if he does get too personel try to keep calm but at the same time let them know how I feel if they do. Theres no need to touch people in personel areas. I was prepared to tell them not to touch me anywhere and if they didnt like that then I was going to offer them a free peek at me behind close doors. I rather be seen naked then touched by some bozo.
All you will need to know about the TSA agents pat downs and health hazards you are subject to when you fly these days. A crying shame that the USA has come to this. And we call our country the home of the free.. Not anymore, sadly
As a descendant of Robert Treat Paine who signed the Declaration of Independence I like to go to our founding fathers for advice in these matters:

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin

US CONSTITUTION- Fourth Amendment – Protection from unreasonable search and seizure .

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Yes SBH.
You have it correct.
I would add Franklin's other zinger, a favorite of mine in answer to a question- "what kind of government do we have?"
'Madame, a Republic if you can keep it."
I'm increasing thinking we can't.
We have a largely lazy, ignorant and irrationally fearful population and electorate.
And yes Rob, that applies to our misgovernment in Hawaii too.
From AlohaSteven talking about a TSA employee he is friends with "He knows perfectly well I do not fit any sort of terrorist profile"

Thank you for saying the obvious, I agree with you on that fact. We should be foremost, profiling for terrorists (along with searching for explosives and weapons).
We should be profiling statistically, behaviorally, physically and of course racially.

Who on this list would YOU select for increased scrutiny?
A) A Caucasian grandpa
B) An Asian female in a wheelchair
C) A Six year old child
D) A Young/ Middle Eastern/ Arab/ Muslim male

The answer to me is obvious, either we profile for the terrorists that wish to do us harm and the rest face less intrusive searches because of it or we do not racially profile and those of us that don't want to blow up airplanes will continue to feel the pain.

Until we racially profile for terrorists you are correct, it is all just "expensive security theater"
I can almost see it now,.......60 foot "anti-NON racial profiling" billboards at all major airports.

punaticbychoice: "We have a largely lazy, ignorant and irrationally fearful population and electorate."

The optimist in me wants to believe that the "largely lazy, ignorant and irrationally fearful population" is waking up...or perish. Not much of a choice.

Spread the messages. DO something!

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin

US CONSTITUTION- Fourth Amendment – Protection from unreasonable search and seizure .

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

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