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Bringing Firearms When Moving to B.I.
Originally posted by PaulW

Any cases of this actually happening in Hawaii? What was the result?

There was a guy in HOVE a few years ago who shot and killed someone intent on stealing his pot plants. I think he is in prison.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
There was a guy in Kapoho who shot (and killed) a neighbor who had come onto his property in the middle of the night, shot his dog, and shot at the homeownner. He's not in prison, and the ex-neighbor isn't ever going to hurt anyone else.
I guess you guys missed the part about fearing for your life, inside your own home. Next time there is a guy snooping around inside my locked house in the middle of the night I will try sitting down for tea.

“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul
And the woman in Hilo who shot (and killed) he abusive ex-boyfriend in her kitchen after he broke down her door with a baseball bat. She's not in prison either, and the ex-boyfriend isn't abusing any more women.

Someone shooting at you or breaking down your door is a different matter.
afwjam is encouraging the shooting of intruders so they can't dispute your version of events.
Originally posted by PaulW

Someone shooting at you or breaking down your door is a different matter.
afwjam is encouraging the shooting of intruders so they can't dispute your version of events.

That is not what I said, Im sure you will read what you want.

“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul
"you can hear his side of the story when he testifies"

Okay, what did you mean by that then?

Use a gun unwisely and you could spend 25 years in jail regretting it.
I would like to hear from a LEO on what he or she would do if one or more people broke into thier home in the middle of the night while the family was sleeping. Think about it.They can tell you what the law is to a tee, but are you willing choose between protecting your family or folllow the letter of the law in the heat of the moment when things are out of control? How many of you have kids to worry about? Someone stupid and deranged enough to break into an occupied dwelling in the middle of the night is just asking for it anyways, so the ones defending these intruders must waiting to bail these people out if they survive anyways. It's not a mainland thing or island thing. It's a self presevation thing.
Originally posted by PaulW

"you can hear his side of the story when he testifies"

Okay, what did you mean by that then?

Use a gun unwisely and you could spend 25 years in jail regretting it.

I meant that if you were scared for your life, that if you shoot, you shoot to kill. Never shoot to wound. You need to be prepared and trained physically and mentally to use a gun. Its dangerous bring out a gun if you aren't prepared to use it. Basic defensive gun training. Its dangerous to own a gun and not train with it.

“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul
Why never shoot to wound?

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