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Are you a mosquito magnet?
I am one of those people that attracts biting bugs. Not just mosquitos, but no-see-ums and other regionally available bloodsuckers. I can be outside with a dozen people, and 11 will have no bites and I will have several. It seems to be the best way not to get bit is to have me around. I have tried everything. Yes deet works. I don't like to smell that way but I believe the risk from the chemical is less than the risk from mosquito-spread pathogens. The only other thing that helps is eating raw garlic. It has to be raw, the cooked stuff has no effect. The more I eat, the less attractive I am to bugs. One clove definitely helps. One time when I was juicing I added several cloves to my vegetable juice and drank it. It tasted horrible but I was bug proof. Unfortunately I smelled very strongly of garlic so bad that even the clothes I wore smell liked garlic. At least the DEET smell can be washed off. The downside with garlic is that you have to plan ahead. You can't just choke down a raw clove and go outside, it needs to be eaten a few hours ahead of time. I have just got into the habit of eating a raw clove in the morning after breakfast. If I know I am going to be spending more time outdoors I will eat a bigger clove or two cloves. It really does work. I remember reading somewhere that the literary thing about garlic warding off vampires stems from the old practice of eating garlic to deter bloodsucking insects. So this is not a new discovery.

Edit to add, how to eat a raw clove of garlic? I usually crush the clove, remove the skin, then dice it up into about 6 chunks and toss them into the back of my mouth and follow with water (beats chewing it). It takes awhile but eventually you almost get used to it.
ugg terracore! I know that probably works too and your nose is use to the odor, but people who have a regular diet of garlic are permeated with the odor. Lol - the local mall santa for years had a regular diet of garlic (raw for some medicinal purpose) his body reaked of garlic! Had to buy him altoids also to have kids sit on his lap

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