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HPP General Membership Meeting this Sunday
I was so happy to see home owners at the entrance of Paradise Dr. announcing, how our road fees could go up to $752.00. [8D]

Whoever those "WHINER HOMEOWNERS" ARE..they need to go back to where they come from. I've been here since 1998 and the dirt road was the one of reason I bought in this neighborhood. I love the country setting and laid back atmosphere.
As it is, there are people traveling 35-45 mph on our dirt roads. If all our roads become paved, people will increase their speed and more accidents will happen.
We've already been paying for the new roads, and the board members, didn't deliver on their promises.

People have had their hours cut at work and have lost their jobs and would have a difficult time paying this extra money for road fees. So, now that they can't pay their road fee's, they get a lean on their homes and loose their homes over a DAMN ROAD FEE.

How many people are behind as it is, and the fee is only $272?
WE THE HOME OWNERS are going to need to stop the Association from REGULATING US OUT OF OUR OWN HOMES...

PEOPLE NEED TO STAND UP FOR THEIR RIGHTS, TO LIVE IN A RURAL AREA, without being regulated, on how they are supposed to live. Sure, I'm all for building regulations for safety, but PAVED ROADS..IS simply BS.

If it is such a "HEALTH" ISSUE..then all those families who are living here, without running water, electricity, and in tents for coverage, will soon be evicted from their own property. We have enough homelessness already and don't need add more problems for them to deal with. I'm sure that this will be the "WHINERS" next compliant.

Times are changing and we all have to be flexible enough to allow people to Live and Let Live, as long as they are attempting to better their way of life, shut the hell up and deal with it, or leave.
Learn to mind your own business and stop trying to put your own standards on someone else.. There is a family living in a tent next door to me,but I know that they don't like having to live like that, and will build a proper home in time, once they have the $$$$$
Show some Aloha..Have Compassion for thy Neighbor and lend a hand to help them, if you don't like seeing them in a tent!
Rant OVER....

clearly all roads must be paved in Hawaii so when people google earth it they get nice green forest views not dust clouds ! There must be some hidden agenda right?



As the largest land owner the State of Hawaii is opening itself a Pandoria's can of worms, they are the worst offender of this rule as presently interpreted by the city boys at Dept of Health. Has anyone experienced the dust Waiakola gets from the adjacent State land. Has anyone suffered from the dust clouds on Saddle Road. It may be time to demand they mitigate those problems from their property also.

This law needs to be amended so it is clear that it only applies to construction projects which was the original intent!

So candidates Ruderman and Smith, Hapai and Oshiro, can you do something for the people or are you only good for waving at cars. It will be interesting to see if any of them show up for the meeting, that would get my vote. It would be nice to see Representative Hanahano there also, she strikes me as someone who could move mountains if she wanted to.

Without thinking too hard about it I come up with the following subdivisions with gravel roads: HPP, Hawaiian Acres, Orchidland, Black Sands Beach, Ainaloa, parts of Nanawale and countless smaller subdivisions off the Kea'au/Volcano corridor. These subdivisions need to hui up and work together to defeat this push by the DOH, or else we will all be in the same boat.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
I hate to say "follow the money", but most (if not all) of the "other" subdivisions with "unpaved" roads simply do not (yet) have "the kind of people who complain".

We should all be grateful to HPP for making a test case out of it. Does anyone know the identity of the original complainants? I want to add them to my Xmas list.

Any lawsuit should include the rail project; all these unpaved roads are part of the "statewide transportation system" and deserving of a Federal bailout. It's only fair.
Don't forget Lahina, and Oahu has some pretty dusty areas also, I would bet there are some rich people there who are experts at complaining.[}Smile]
They are victums of the State's unmitigated dust, we need to make sure those people know their rights.
As victums of the State Dept of Health's unmitigated gall it is the least we can do.

Originally posted by kalakoa

We should all be grateful to HPP for making a test case out of it. Does anyone know the identity of the original complainants? I want to add them to my Xmas list.

The problem here is that HPP isn't planning to make a test case out of it. Instead of getting expert legal advice and preparing a strong case, our Board of Directors is floating an expensive proposal to pave all the roads and avoid a confrontation with the DOH. To add insult to injury, they are doing this on the advice of a representative from the State Attorney Gereral's office, which means they are taking advice from the other sides lawyer! How smart is that?
Since all the real discussions happen in executive session, or at private meetings it is hard to tell what's actually going on. And since the board represents the majority land holders NOT the residents, they may not be working the best interest of the resident in mind.

And a random question - what does whatamull (sp?) pay in
Road fees for there 120+ acres of commercial land
It's either a test case now (if HPP stands up to the DoH) or later (when "a handful" of HPP residents don't want to pay $500/year for their road not to be paved).

County could settle this once and for all if they stopped pretending that roads are either public or private depending on the situation. Of course that would be more than $500/year...
Originally posted by JerryCarr

Originally posted by kalakoa

We should all be grateful to HPP for making a test case out of it. Does anyone know the identity of the original complainants? I want to add them to my Xmas list.

The problem here is that HPP isn't planning to make a test case out of it. Instead of getting expert legal advice and preparing a strong case, our Board of Directors is floating an expensive proposal to pave all the roads and avoid a confrontation with the DOH. To add insult to injury, they are doing this on the advice of a representative from the State Attorney Gereral's office, which means they are taking advice from the other sides lawyer! How smart is that?

Jerry, There is no need to hire legal council until the Health dept. does more than "pressure" HPP. They are bluffing

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