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Good point... Who are we to think we should have any say in our laws and/or how they are enforced. Best that we just suck in the evening news like it was the gospel, pitter patter off to work and leave governing to the government.

Take care,

"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young

Well it's not a done deal yet... There are always loop holes... But it's a good start. I wonder how much federal $$ is spent on helicopter raids? It is a bummer that we can't just vote for the $$ and shift it over to getting more cops on the streets to bust ice / theft crimes.

Council members voted to remove the money from next fiscal year's operating budget. That action won't be final, however, until lawmakers again vote to approve the countywide budget and send it to Mayor Harry Kim to consider signing into law.

That second vote is expected at the council's June 1 meeting in Hilo.

The county hasn't received the money, but had expected to get the grants so the funding is included of the proposed countywide budget that starts July 1, Deanna Sako, county controller, told lawmakers.

The "Green Harvest" money can still be added later, should lawmakers reverse course and accept the eradication grants, she added.

Getting future grants will now be harder since that money will be shifted to other states, Day said.

The council's vote won't stop the federal Drug Enforcement Administration from conducting helicopter raids, Prosecutor Jay Kimura told lawmakers.

"Whether the council accepts the money or not, eradication would continue," Kimura said, noting marijuana is illegal under federal law.

That prompted Ikeda to vote against rejecting the money, which he added cannot be shifted to combat crystal methamphetamine, a drug known locally as "ice."

"It's not like we're ignoring 'ice' and only concentrating on marijuana," Ikeda said.

"It's not like we're ignoring 'ice' and only concentrating on marijuana," Ikeda said.

Would sure love to see the statistical numbers on this, going back about 5 years.

I know picking and choosing the laws is a slippery slope, however victimless crimes are filling our prisons. If people want to kill themselves with heroin, meth, or rat poison who cares. Common sense can't be legislated.

Perhaps Radioguy can come up with some statistics as to how many people in our prison system are there for crimes without victims.

IMnotSHO any crime against a child should be steeply punished. Child molesters should be publicly hanged, anyone driving drunk and threatening the safety of community should go away a real long time for a second offense! Perhaps we all have escaped punishment for our first offence and learned what a bad idea drinking and driving is no?

I have a distant relative a 38 year old, gorgeous young man, who has the mind of a 10 year old child. He did a victim less crime at 18, sentenced to three years, let out early for good behavior, and has spent three quarters of the past 20 years in prison for a 3 year offence. He has the mind of a ten year old due to a hit and run accident where he was left in the dessert to die. He was on his bicycle with a friend out riding around. Both boys were struck and left to die. He spends every winter in prison, as he is always breaking his parole, gets out each summer real buff and by fall re offends and is readmitted. He has very little self control, is so impetuous and self treats with whatever is fun. He lives for fun. So sad.

mella l

Edited by - mella l on 05/18/2007 10:01:08
mella l
Art and Science
From the way you describe it, the poor man should be institutionalized.
Does he wear stretch pants?


"I've never had a problem with drugs. I've had problems with the police." ~Keith Richards
“Sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes it feels real good.”
- Henry Rollins

I nominate Haoleboy "Stretch Pants Czar" for Puna.

For too long have we been subjected to these ridiculous "Stretch Pants" .

Now, I know many Punatics will decide that the, soon to be announced ,"Stretch Harvest" program ( using no county funds only a government grant ) will be a total waste and "terrorize" the civilized citizens of Puna.

They will say, " Stretch pant wearers dont harm anyone, it's those people that wear those ugly Croc shoes ! Thats who we should be going after. "

Beginning on or before June 13 , the county will be installing "Stretch Pants" cameras on all traffic signals.

When do I get my badge and gun?


"That badge means something! Don't disgarace it!" -Barney Fife
“Sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes it feels real good.”
- Henry Rollins

Good point... Who are we to think we should have any say in our laws and/or how they are enforced. Best that we just suck in the evening news like it was the gospel, pitter patter off to work and leave governing to the government.

Take care,

Dave you post another good point! Actions speak so much louder than words. But it is soooo hard to get off the asq for some.

But golly gee whiz, it is just so much more fun, entertaining and don't forget so much easier to do the one liner pot shots here to feel so idaknow like superios.

Mahalo Dave,
Mella L

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Hi Mella,

Let me start this by saying I don't want to and will not turn this forum into a political discussion/debate etc..

But, yes Mella it is easier to do nothing than to take action. That's exactly IMHO why we as a Country have had our constitutional rights decimated in the last, hmm.. say six years. The whole if you don't agree and vote this or that way then your patriotism is in question is the sadest and most hypocritical example of fraud and deception(sp?) that has ever been evoked on this Country. Not to mention the billions of dollars that have been scammed from the American people in the name of etc etc..

Ok, that's it, I wont blather on. Being from Tx. I do feel a sense of responsibility for certain political situations, sooo.. yes i do and will continue to speak out and vote my heart.

Back to your post.. Yes, people just assume that if it's a law or if a politician of their party says it, then it must be the Gospel, it's just pitiful. I don't know this lady who wears the stretch pants and is supposedly illiterate but id bet my hat that she is more informed and less for sale than her peers in the same position.

Sorry for the rant... Mahalo to you Mella

LOL, one last shot. Maybe would should give Haliburton a no bid contract for the "drug war" he he.. I'm sure that would help. Sorry Rob/all I'll shut up that's it. Next post is about Hawaiian Acres.

Take care,

"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young

"It's not like we're ignoring 'ice' and only concentrating on marijuana," Ikeda said.

Would sure love to see the statistical numbers on this, going back about 5 years.

I know picking and choosing the laws is a slippery slope, however victimless crimes are filling our prisons. If people want to kill themselves with heroin, meth, or rat poison who cares. Common sense can't be legislated.

Perhaps Radioguy can come up with some statistics as to how many people in our prison system are there for crimes without victims.

IMnotSHO any crime against a child should be steeply punished. Child molesters should be publicly hanged, anyone driving drunk and threatening the safety of community should go away a real long time for a second offense! Perhaps we all have escaped punishment for our first offence and learned what a bad idea drinking and driving is no?

I have a distant relative a 38 year old, gorgeous young man, who has the mind of a 10 year old child. He did a victim less crime at 18, sentenced to three years, let out early for good behavior, and has spent three quarters of the past 20 years in prison for a 3 year offence. He has the mind of a ten year old due to a hit and run accident where he was left in the dessert to die. He was on his bicycle with a friend out riding around. Both boys were struck and left to die. He spends every winter in prison, as he is always breaking his parole, gets out each summer real buff and by fall re offends and is readmitted. He has very little self control, is so impetuous and self treats with whatever is fun. He lives for fun. So sad.

mella l

Edited by - mella l on 05/18/2007 10:01:08

Would you be so kind to list a few "Victimless crimes"? Don't all crimes have consequences?

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
Not ot steal Mellas response, but, if I grow my weed and smoke it on my back porch, who's the victim? Of corse that's a hypothetical. Wink Smile :0

Take care,

"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young


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