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Way out to the lava.....
16 people died?? lol wow never heard that fairytale before...

I have also heard the 3 deaths associated with the ocean entry.... a couple people were found dead when they breathed in the ocean entry plume (pulmonary edema, or swelling of the lungs, due to the inhalation of hydrochloric acid) in late 2000, they were on the west side of the plume
the other was on a bench collapse...
article does says 40 people have died within HVNP in the 10 years from 1992-2002, but Im sure many of those are traffic related on the hwy (as those count for HVNP stats), or hiking falls, crime, medical, or maybe Mauna Loa summit attempts w/o proper clothing/gear (ie winter storms) (??)
maybe someone can find the true numbers of lava related deaths

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
Most likely the 16 number came from someone who remembered the safety video they play at the park end of Chain of Craters Rd. (which is good to view BEFORE you venture of our nieces decided that flip flops were OK footware.... amazing how a shard of "shelly lava" can just rip through the slipppahs!) Link to the safety video:

and the current plan you visit web site from HVO on viewing lava:

Oh, the 16 were those injured when the one went missing on a bench case you really do not wanna watch the video to find out where the 16 number may have come...
Okay, y'all seem focused on how many did or didn't die, and not on showing me KE ALA.

I just want to know the way.

I think you leave from Black Sand beach and just keep going.
Hmmmm... I went to the end of the road, (county viewing area)... Parked the car. I thought I was just gonna hike out there... Done this before by the way 4 years ago...

I really didn't even plan on seeing any lava... I just wanted to hike out in the fields for a few hours (lava was a bonus)...

Had my hiking boots on, flashlight, GPS programmed to track for a way back. Flash Light, plenty of water, etc...etc...

Maybe 1/4 mile from where I parked, I was met with two people I think from the county. That's as far as you go... You don't get to go any further unless you paid up for a guide to "guide" you...

Dunno is there a special hand shake or password to get by? Or maybe they were just in a bad mood? Maybe I didn't look like I'd make it back or something... Hmmmm they basically told me I'd be trespassing on other peoples land to go any further.

I almost laughed and kept going. But decided it wasn't worth it and I'd be back again some other time.

So what's the cheapest guide to go with? You know, just local people that are somewhat experienced... I'm not gonna pay 100 bucks just to have some dork try and tell me what I already know. I kinda wonder if this is the same thing if you take chain of craters road down?

I've never personally witnessed lava going into the sea. I'd think it would be great to see it in action. I was think if I gotta pay 100 bucks for hike than might as well do a boat tour.
I find its best to leave about midnight. Bring some fire spinners with you. The adrenaline will carry you trough till sunrise. A shovel and chicken wrapped in ti and banana leaves makes for some good lava chicken. Have fun, remember you have to take risks to live. Don't forget an offering for Pele, its her sister you have to watch out for though in my experience.

Merry Christmas!

“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul
Are fire spinners what I think they are - two mokes with flaming batons? If so, I'm in.

the paved road is the only public land out there, the rest is private property, and trespassers can be fined...
the guides have permission to cross the private property.... thats why they tell you to use a guides, ie the guides working at Robert Keli'iho'omalu property at the edge of the lava destruction....

the county security staff could fine you ($500+) if they want, so a warning is all good

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
Glen, find the white dog & follow it, it will lead you to her, & there you will find the pulsing veins, the heat, the fire....she will wrap you in her glow & you will know that she is all around, you will thirst because of her... as you thirst for her...
The County security staff can't fine you. They can document violations and call the Police.

I would recommend respecting Kalapana property owners and residents by using local guides.
Yeah, I saw her again alright. And that white dog she hangs around with. On Christmas. Right there. In that spot. Poised to leap into the ocean and create some steam.

Hey, I've met the Ice Goddess now, honey. And she looks DOWN ON YOU FROM 10,000 FEET ABOVE. Oh, who am I fooling....they come mostly to see you, and not her, because of your awesome destructive power. I keep telling them that ice would suffice to destroy the world, but they don't listen. And maybe for good reason. She can suck your breath out and make you giddy but I think she might be-- how shall I put this?-- extinct. Just a whole lot of swirlin' going on. Whoosh. Brrr....hey, I made you cold. Am I not awesome? Look at me. I'm a goddess. Huff, puff, gonna suck your wind out and make you act silly.

But only you can turn a man into a pig and then roast him at 2,000 degrees.

I should never have left the house today.

Anyway, getting out to the lava is no big deal. I do respect the Kalapana property owners but I think I have an appreciation for the complex system of permissions here. I took the unusual step, for me, of invoking the power of the island. You see, there is a rose in Spanish Harlem. I came bearing gifts and requesting permission in a subtle way. Instant implied easement. Ke ala i Pele was lit. Like a Christmas Tree. The one she will never see.

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