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DUI Checkpoint Blitz - HCPD
Snorkle, as I said its not up for discussion, don't take it up with me, take it up with the Constitution and the supreme court.
I agree with much of what you say Andrew. Go after texters, lock up drunks and revoke licenses. Oh yeah, and use checkpoints to catch them.

In spite of what you said; It IS up for discussion (This is a forum, right?) And I love the constitution as much as you, but perhaps for different reasons;

Our founders were intelligent enough to know that things change and created a document that can be amended. If everyone agreed on the interpretation, think of all the unemployed lawyers we'd have on food stamps.
Nobody has the right to stop people (with inherent rights, the Constitution doesn't give people rights, we already have them) without probable cause, regardless of the costume they wear. They can do anything they want to their slaves (U.S. citizens). How to handle checkpoints here in HI? Same way. Listen to the verbiage very closely. Everyone need to get cameras and document everything.

This is NOT a free card to be irresponsible. If you cause harm, injure, damage, you are fully liable. Be responsible and be free. Man Refuses to Cooperate with Unconstitutional Checkpoint How to deal with checkpoints How to Handle a DUI Checkpoint Question that Stops Police Bluffing- Am I being detained or am I free to go?

The law is not up for discussion it is up for interpretation by the supreme court where they have affirmed the 4th amendment many times. Liskir is right, the Constitution does not grant us these rights, they are inalienable rights, the Constitution is supposed to protect these rights from the government. This is a case where this is not happening and it is unlawful. We can discuss it all we want but it does not change the law, which is not up for discussion. Nor does discussion change the fact that checkpoints are not to keep us safe, just like the Lenco Bearcat is not to keep us safe and neither are the NSA or TSA, or anything else in the patriot act and the associated police state. You are being oppressed, not kept safe, well that may not be true, prison is a very safe place, enjoy your servitude.
The law is up for discussion.
DUI checkpoints are legal in Hawaii. Do you really dispute that fact?
Our tax dollars would be better spent making DUI irrelevant.

Bring on the checkpoints! Yeow!

If they save lives (and they do) then they're good IMO. There's enough wacked out drivers around here to justify them, despite arguments about the constitution, which I could frankly care less about (the arguments, I mean).

For those with drinking and driving issues, don't drink and drive.
For those with constitutional issues, avoid driving; spend your time writing letters, calling people, or... *GASP* ... biking to work, then writing and calling.

For those with issues about everything (like me), meditate on how safe our roads will be for a few weeks due to a few less idiotic inebriated under/over-educated tweakheads taking lefts in front of you.

Celebrate, people. This isn't about subversive chains shackling you; it's about trying to keep dumbasses off the road.

-- rainshadow
-- rainshadow
I'd rather just have everyone follow the law. I don't see how do many on here can condemn people for breaking one law but find it perfectly acceptable to have other people break the law merely because they dressed up in some costume.
Some of you just love that alcohol!!

If DUI checkpoints are against the law due to it being illegal search and seizure, then so is Green Harvest - on every front.


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