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A good friend of mine down Kehena way was interrupted by a phone call as she was preparing a cake for a friend. After the call, she finished baking the cake she saw a little flick if something sticking out of the top of the finished cake. When she investigated further she found a gecko had found it's way into the cake and into the oven. I suppose that would be called a good death by other geckos and luckily it was discovered before the cake was delivered to it's intended recipient .
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Thank you, everyone, some great tips here! Another lesson learned a few years ago - never leave your car keys in the fridge (please don't ask). I guarantee it'll be the last place you think of looking the next morning (well, that's not so true for me any more...).
And yes, I've done the roast chicken with the innards still in it thing. At least I had an excuse - birds don't usually come with the innards still in them in the UK, so way back then when I was new arrival here I didn't even think of looking. It took a minute or two when carving to figure out exactly what was going on in there!
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Don't try to open a young coconut on a rock in public unless you want a bunch of concerned locals asking if you are homeless and hungry.
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Make sure you wash you hands before going to bathroom after cutting up hot peppers lesson learned
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Originally posted by Cheerio
Don't try to open a young coconut on a rock in public unless you want a bunch of concerned locals asking if you are homeless and hungry.
Or if you don't want to lose a finger nail. Not sure how I managed to do it, but I ripped my middle finger nail clean off trying to open a coconut on a rock. It looks so much easier to do in the movies. [:I]
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Originally posted by jrw
Make sure you wash you hands before going to bathroom after cutting up hot peppers lesson learned
Better yet, wear gloves. Takes many washings to get it off. Some say vinegar cuts it, other say milk. I work with peppers a lot, including habaneros and ghost chilies. I have had my eyes burn hours later after repeated hand washings.
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Originally posted by jrw
Make sure you wash you hands before going to bathroom after cutting up hot peppers lesson learned
And definitely don't touch loved ones intimately until your sure the peppa juice is all gone... [:0]
William DeBoe
Boca Raton, FL
Honomu, HI sometime 2015
Moe'uhane Oihana mahi ai
Mahi 'ai 'Ulu
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Originally posted by KeaauRich
One of my aunts never cooked but always drank, so when my uncle had to go out of town for a week he hid all the liquor in the wall oven. (alright, stay with the group everyone...). When he arrived home from his trip, he saw the fire department surrounding his house and my aunt out front sitting under a tree shaking like the paint mixer down at the Home Depot. "What the hell happened?" uncle asked. "I wanted to do something special to welcome you home, so I decided to bake you a cake. I turned the oven on to preheat and started mixing the batter when the whole wall exploded!"
OMG! LOL (literally)! Too much. This is one for the books!
I am loving this thread! Thank you all, and thank you, Tom.
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opihikao...even funnier if you knew the people involved. It happened 50 years ago and I still laugh when I think about it. I forgot to add that after the fire department left, uncle took aunt out for a drink -- he figured she deserved it...