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great whites in hawaii
The standard route to Hawaii for modern sailors

pretty easy - drop down to central america - hang a right

coming home - go north to lat 50 or so - hang a right..... grin

hundreds of cruising boats on that routes during favorable conditions even today (read hurricane season)

as to great whites - unpredictable (more docile than Tiger Sharks however) preferring cold (ish) water in my experience

Wow! Awesome links guys...... The great white migration seems to run almost perfectly parallel with the sailing routes. So much mystery, and much more research to do. There is proof that great whites were around the Hawaiian islands in ancient times(perhaps in even larger numbers, one theory is that their numbers declined as the Hawaiian monk seal started to disappear), known as the nuihu, they were the most ferocious of all sharks. There are several artifacts, including war clubs adorned with the teeth of the great white. However, since they do tend to stay in the deeper colder waters, perhaps they have been here in abundance the whole. The evidence that links Hawaii to central and south America is truly compelling. And if they did make the voyage, just as they would have used the birds and stars, it seems logical that they may have followed the migration of the sharks too......
Thor Heyerdahl may have been wrong, but if you haven't read Fatu Hiva, it's a great read. It's the pre-Kon Tiki adventure he had with his first wife living in the Marquesas. Perfect when you're feeling a little wanderlust.
Heyerdahl came up with a plausible explanation and actually tried it out, I respect him for that. He just happened to come up with an explanation that later discoveries, including the human genome project, have proven wrong. I read Kon Tiki in middle or HS and thought it was fascinating. Whenever I go visit my family in Mexico I am always taken with how much a lot of the Mexicans, especially the children, look like my students.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
plenty. I've seen them at kawaihae, pololu, waipio, south point, pohoiki and all over ka'u. check out YouTube great whites and big island. also have seen them around the mokes in Kailua on Oahu and of course hale'iwa on the northshore.
Wowzers, brave ah you do they mostly stay in the deep, or have you seen them close to shore?
There is a good video on YouTube called "Kayak fishing with a great white, Kau Hawaii". In the video you can see the shoreline in the distance and just how far out he is. Although the water in Kau and around S.point gets deep quickly, you can see that they evidently do come pretty close to shore.
__"Good judgement comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgement."__
Try read Hawaiki Rising by Sam Low.
Awesome book about Navigation and the Hokule'a.

I'd rather be a wise ass than a dumb ass!!!
I was there surfing the day Ulu Boy Napeahi was bitten at Pohoiki (by a tiger shark). The consensus from a group of veteran Pohoiki watermen was that this was the first shark incident anyone could remember. My wife and I have surfed and dived on Oahu for 40 years, Maui for a couple and here for a couple. If they are as common as some suggest, then they must be vegetarian great whites because they aren't doing much biting on human beings.

Our population of ocean users, both residents and visitors, is increasing. New ocean toys are coming along (Stand Up Paddling, kayaks, kite-sailors, one man outriggers, etc.) so it is to be expected that we would see more shark bites. The apparent surge is, quite likely, a statistical anomaly. Relax and enjoy yourself in the ocean.

When asked if I am ever worried about a shark attack I tell folks the most dangerous part of surfing, by far, is driving to from the surf break.

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