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9th Circuit Ruling
Great News!

PaulW you are spreading misinformation again. I have already proven that more legal guns in Hawaii has not led to more gun violence, in fact just the opposite. There are more legal guns then ever in Hawaii and gun violence is at its lowest. If you wish to believe a lie thats your choice, but don't spread it as fact when you have no evidence to back it up. Its the illegal guns that are a problem, and how do you think making laws is going to solve that?
Every responsible adult should have a firearm IMO.
'be interesting if this goes to the supreme court - It has a pattern of reversing the 9th - it could still go the other way - Jerry Brown has a major dog in this fight - interesting to see the courts in action on this issue
It will go to the supreme court or one like it (There are several). Yes, the 9th does have a pattern of being reversed. Interestingly, it's reversals are generally, if not universally, left or "liberal" leaning rulings made by the 9th. I, probably among many, was surprised the 9th ruled the way it did, although I believe it ruled correctly. I'm also a bit surprised the left is pushing the issue at this time rather then waiting for the makeup of the SCOTUS to change. Pushing this issue all of the way to SCOTUS may well result in a precedent the left won't like. I would think smarter tactics would be to change current laws to comply with the more conservative interpretations of the 2nd, and recent SCOTUS rulings, and then tighten them up when they think the SCOTUS makeup has shifted more in their favor. But I may now be drifting too far from Hawaii although I expect you will soon see Hawaii specific litigation resulting from this ruling.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Originally posted by Oneself

Every responsible adult should have a firearm IMO.

Yes, but what about the irresponsible adults and who decides which category you belong in? If only everyone were responsible, there would be no controversy on this issue.
Me ka ha`aha`a,
anyone else see the cop that directs traffic at the road construction sites with the other hand on his (what looks like a 45 or 9mm glock)? makes me feel naked ..... grin - scary stuff in my book
Must be one of those "responsible people". Don't worry he is in charge!
I worked with a guy like that - had the back story that he shot a hole through his foot - the bullet kept on going right thru the hull of the patrol boat .....
My suspicions are aroused when I see a crazy person ranting in public. If a person has a hammer, knife or gun at their side and is not acting oddly, I see only a person doing what ever that person may be doing. Objects can be used for many things and it is the mental state of the individual that determines the use of the object.
Do you fear a person when you stand near them and they use a knife to cut something at the table, counter etc.? In an act of a fraction of a second they could slice your throat wide open... do you fear that possibility? Most would say they don't fear that possibility yet when some of those same people see a gun they become fearful; isn't that odd? Some would conclude that arms are only guns. Arms are any carry article that can be effectively used for self protection/assault. A stun gun, Taser, sword, knife, club, hammer, rock, glass/plastic bottle, magazine, car keys, bra wire, toothpick, playing card, dental floss, shoe lace, hala leaf, oven cleaner, etc, etc. are all potential arms. None of these potential arms are responsible for killing people, people are responsible for killing people.

~Proud A-hole
Guns don't kill, it's usually the bullets that do it.

"Life is labor, and all that is good in life comes from that labor..."
"Life is labor, and all that is good in life comes from that labor..."

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